We offer a full Lawn Mowing Maintenance program with maintaining your property weekly or every other week. To ensure the best look we suggest going every week. If mowing weekly is not in your budget, we can custom tailor your program to fit your budgeting needs.
We have route areas that we follow for different days of the week. Know that whatever your day your lawn is serviced on it will be serviced without fail. If it is raining, we will schedule you for the next day. We never skip servicing your lawn due to rain. If your lawn is dry and does not need mowing our techs will make the call and reschedule you for when the time is right.
We pick up toys, chairs, hoses, electrical cords, garbage cans, and garbage. Although we promise to not put the garbage back… (haha) everything will remain the same on your property after we are done with the mowing. If something looks different or out of the ordinary, please know that our techs will call into the office and alert us that something was broken or not right. I will then give you the customer a phone call to let you know that your gate was open, a door or window was broken, etc.
“ We are not only the lawn guys we are your little eyes when you’re not here as well.”
We will trim sewer mounds, hillsides around trees and around your home. Afterward, we will blow off sidewalks, edged areas and driveways to ensure a manicured look when we are done. The choice is yours. We can again custom tailor any lawn maintenance service to meet your budgeting needs.
Contact us today to get a free quote.